Re: stuff

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 94 10:24:25 -0600

Colin W.
>You'd said Orlanth was like this benevolent Thane working on behalf
>of his minions. I'm asking:
> If Orlanth didn't have his minions
> - would he still be this Orlanthi-Thane-type character?
> - or would he just be like the wind?
> - would people call this wind Orlanth?
> - what place would he have in the godplane?
> - would he have the Mastery rune?
> - would he have been born at all?

Who are you asking? Here's some answers:

        WESTERN: Orlanth doesn't really have any personality at all anyway. He's just a force of violence, control, and storm. The "Orlanth Thane" is purely an invention of his worshipers, which I suppose might be useful to them as a way to reduce this force of nature to an understandable conceit, thus making it easier to tap his power.

        THEIST: Orlanth would be Orlanth no matter what _you_ think.

        MYSTIC: You have it all backwards. Orlanthi _is_ the personality, not the elemental force. Proper worship could assign Darkness, or Death, or _anything_ onto Orlanth's soul, and thus he would have different powers. But he would still be the same.

        DORADDI: Are you crazy? I invite you to try to imagine a world with no hypothetical situations.

>What makes these cult-less gods (Kolat, Daga, uncle-Tom-Cobbly et
>al) Gods? I mean why are they considered to be gods?

        Because of their power? Any sufficiently powerful spirit becomes a god, I suppose. An insufficiently powerful spirit who yet receives worship becomes a demigod or a hero cult or something. No one thinks that Black Fang is a god, yet he was a real person just as much as Pavis. To some extent, I agree that the perception of a god's importance on the mundane plane has to do with his worshipers;


>While the basic tenets of Western sorcery are up for grabs, what do
>people think about Malkioni attitudes to familiars?

        I think the sorcerers regard them as a useful sorcerous adjunct, no more "immoral" than creating any other enchanted item. Using a wraith or the like is considered bad, though.

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