Sog City

Date: Wed, 04 Jan 1995 02:40:49 -0500 (EST)

Interesting write-up on Sog City. It seems to be a combination of Constantinople (turn the map on its side) (blues and greens, fish odor), Jerusalem (a bit much to have Hrestol crucified on Golgota!) and Dis (immortal atheists living behind burning brass walls!). After playing Rolston's English role in America last time, I get to play MOB's role this time! I am honored to be succeeding the mighty! Trivia: life-long New York City guy; BA Hamilton, Ph.D Cornell, taught history at Yale and Rutgers 1968-79, then spent the next decade doing work on the Left (a lot of international stuff for the Socialist International), more recently political consultant and writer here in NYC. Found opponents by breeding them; played almost exclusively written adventures: three main parties: one that started in Balazar but moved out of it, now only two of the original left: they have done Pavis, Borderlands, Snakepipe Hollow, etc.; a second of Sartarite exiles that has done many things including the cradle, now doing the water adventures in TotRM; a third party that has stayed in Balazar and been incredibly lucky so far.They got the dog and traded it to the dwarves (along with mucho money) to build a Firshala temple in Dykene! Swapped the adamantine spike to Blueface for his help, and so on. All three campaigns have gone on for a decade or more: advantage of a family-based group! Jim Chapin

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