Gods' Knowledge of Worshippers Minds

From: Mike Cule <mikec_at_room3b.demon.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 10:07:07 GMT

A good point (hmm, whoever made it, my last posting seems lost in the system somewhere) about why (if gods know everything their worshippers know) there is a need for a conscious act of calling for Divine Intervention.

Remember that Gods live outside Time. They have no means of distinguishing now from then or understanding what it's like to have a need for aid at a particular moment. I think DI is the means for focussing that diffuse attention to one moment.

And everybody seems to agree that during prayer the God is aware of what the priest is saying/thinking. I hold that during a divine ritual (which is what started this off: the ritual for choosing gifts and geasa) the priest is more than usually open to the God. Any sin or deception at that point is liable to drop you right in it.

And as a further proof that I am (as always) right: consider the greatly increased frequency of heresy and schism among the Malkioni whose god is not immanent and doesn't interfere directly compared with the Theyalyan cultures with which we are more familiar.

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