Broken Council Dragonewts

From: David Gadbois <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 22:25:47 -0600

   From: James Polk <>    Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 18:59:27 -0500 (EST)

   In addition, the Dragonewts nearly wrested Power (in the form of    the Egg) from everyone else through a military campaign.

Actually, the Dragonewts were trying to slag Dorastor and the Council with it. Fields of flattened and fused stone for as far as the eye could see except for the growing and wondrous Dragonewt nest connecting East and West. And if it weren't for that darned Gonn Orta, they would have succeeded, too. You would think two True Dragons would have been enough for any strategic military operation.

The Inhuman King, Mind of the Golden Dragon, knew that the Darkness faction had made Osentalka unbalanced as was proved by the chaos incursions and the denial of a Council seat and the Warlord position. Perhaps the Dara Happan phallus myth would have brought some stability. As it was, the only logical course of action was to solve the problem by eliminating it utterly and forever.

I am still not clear on how the Dragonewts were convinced to rejoin the Council, but that last-minute ploy by the troll to change the Dragon from a Golden Dragon to a Vinyl Kitchen Floor Dragon will not be forgotten. And you thought the Trollkin Curse was bad....

Personally, I had a lot of fun in the game (thanks, guys!), but, by way of constructive criticism, the trading card part was really tedious. There was just no way to roleplay card-trading and bidding, at least not on the scale that was required. And why else bother to travel 1500 miles and dress up in a silly costume just to play Dorastor: the Gathering. I got bored with it and just gave all my cards to the Dara Happans to bid, and the Dragonewts got really screwed as a result. Maybe a fix would be to abstract the mythic wrangling to a series of six or so key votes, ala HtWW1, with Council membership decided by proportional representation.

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