
From: Durupt Jean <durupt_at_cc.ec-lyon.fr>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 95 20:53:02 WET

RE:a question about the zebras and Pavis

Here is my opinion about the zebra nation

When Pavis made peace with Waha, one of the pure horse nation's chieftain thought it was a good idea. He sought a place in the covenant for his people. It led to the creation of the war zebras. Those beasts are notoriously hard to breed and to ride. But when they mate with horses, the result (a cavalry zebra) is sterile but far more easier to train.
I think that in the beginning of the nation, the zebra riders kept horses for just this purpose. This leads me to say that the nation kept its worship of the sky deities (Yelm for the nobility, Golden Bow for the wariors, Hippoi for the herders) and acquired the worship of Waha and Eiritha since they were now part of the covenant (at least their zebras).
Pavis had then two nomad nations as allies: the pure horse nation and the zebra nation. In order to maintain the peace with Waha, only the zebra riders could serve in the army, perhaps as auxilliaries. After the fall of Pavis to the Trolls, things were much harder for the zebra riders, especially after the extermination of the horse riders (well in the eyes of the Praxian, they are the ancestors of the Grazelanders).
If they managed to keep horses, they kept the worship of Hippoi. It is not impossible, they could always raid the Pentans for just this reason.
Since the fall of Pavis to the Trolls is after the Dragonkill War, I think that they kept at least a family of Yelm worshipers. One member might even de Hargan the dirty (the current ruler of zebra fort).
I see no reason why they should have ceased to worship Golden Bow. They evidently still worship Waha and Eiritha.

Now about the guardposts of the big rubble I don't think that the lunar army maintain a permanent watch there. They are to far away for reinforcement to reach them on time (like the cavalry in the westerns) in case of trouble. And only one thing is certain in big rubble: there will be troubles.

I hope my answers were interesting
  Jean Durupt

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