Chalana Arroy -- Suicide?

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 95 10:28 BST

Hi All

        Sandy's opinions about CA (which I agree with) promted an intriguing question; does CA tolerate suicide? The question arose when I thought about the healer facing hordes of chaos alone. This might happen if all her thugs
(bodyguards) had already been killed/KOed and she had used up all her MPs
(so no more sleep and befuddle). So the healer is facing one of the following
painful death (possibly after torture and rape), capture and abuse at the hands of chaos (who are good at that kind of thing) with the very faint hope of rescue. Assuming that DI had failed would CA allow her worshipper to avoid all that pain and suffering by slitting her own throat or drinking a quick actting poison. This seems to me to be a lot more acceptable than breaking her cult vows and attempting to fight. The most strict temples (in solar areas) might be against it because technically the healer is harming an intelligent being (herself) even though she is saving that same being from suffering and pain. I suspect that more pragmatic societies would allow it, although there would be more cudos for a healer that stuck it out and survived waiting for her rescue. Tough gritty Orlanthi would uphold this as a rolemodel and view it as a heroquest (possibly a LBQ). I suspect that any healer who survived such an experience would be destined for great things. This is the type of situation that occurs in the Snake Pipe Hollow scenario, Orlanthi would always be ready to rescue a healer in such a horrible position and they too could view it like a part of a LBQ.

Well that should be food for thought


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