Theyalan culture: property

From: Mark R. Hansen <>
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 1995 09:58:29 -0500 (CDT)


This clan vs. personal property concept is, culturally, quite different. I'm having a real hard time figuring out the line between personal and clan property.

I am formulating two interpretations and would appreciate feedback about which is preferred or if both of them are way off:

The steadholders didn't have much to start out with and were given a plow, some oxen, some sheep, and some land to tend. This is all clan property. The steadholders use this clan property and put a lot of work into it and get some returns (grains, lambs, etc.). The fruits of the stead are stead property. The stead then gives a portion of that (whatever they feel is "right") to the clan. People who give a lot to the clan are respected. People who work hard but don't succeed are probably supported with the belief that some day they will also contribute. People who don't work hard (for no reason) and just live off the clan are probably muttered about.

The stead can also use some of the fruits to buy personal property. For example, Grower Bahktian has decided that a sword would work better against the raiding scorpionmen than his current spade. He goes to the local market and barters some grains for a sword. The grain belonged to the stead, the stead agreed that he could use some of it as "his share", and he buys a sword, which becomes his.

2) THE FRUITS OF THE STEAD ARE CLAN PROPERTY The steadholders didn't have much to start out with and were given the oxen, sheep, and land--all of it clan property. The steadholders work on the stead. The fruits of the stead and their labor is also clan property. They use a portion of it to support and grow the stead, a portion of it to feed themselves, pay a portion of it to the church, and give the rest to the clan. Now, Grower Bahktian saw what the Scorpionmen did to his neighbors and wants to get a sword from the market. He plans to use the sword to protect himself and the stead--both of which provide a lot of stuff for the clan. He would also use the sword to defend other steads and other clanmembers if he needed to. Does he use the clan-owned grain to buy a sword which then belongs to the clan? And then, if the sword is clan-owned, how does anything ever become personal property? Why would you need personal property?


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