Re: uh-oh

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 95 16:25:48 -0600

Alex F. responds to me
I said: the Kralori regard homosexuality as an incurable, non-transmissable disease.

> Perhaps we should compell Sandy to produce the canonical list of
>such incurable, non-transmissable diseases

        Hey?! I never said they had a _list_. Well, "Suspected Foreigner" isn't one of them, because "Foreigner". in the Kralori eyes, is definitely transmissible, though of course incurable.

re: East Isles & Doraddi
>These two sound almost _too_ tolerant. In both cases I'd imagine
>both a certain amount of regional variation, and the odd Deeply
>Repressed Latent Type to pick on practitioners.

        Of course Alex is correct. In general, the East Isles tend to be less hostile towards gaydom than the Doraddi -- some tribes and villages of Doraddi are pretty much unfriendly, though I don't think any regard it as a capital offense.

        However, the East Isles is a place of high diversity. The constant presence of weirdos that visit your island (Magikins, Keets, goofballs that worship the God of Neatness, etc.) tend to make them rather blase about personality differences.

>Sandy doesn't mention Peloria.

        Sorry, guys. I strive to keep from talking about Peloria and Dragon Pass and related areas except for [what I believe to be] largely non-controversial tidbits.

More celebrity stuff
>Tom Cruise for Vivamort

        What?! No way. Gotta be Bela L. Only he had the expression, the eyes, the hand signals. Even C. Lee didn't emanate _hunger_ as strongly.

        I now propose Wallace Beery as the Bestest Storm Bull ever.

Alison Place
>Sandy says that he disagrees with me on the ability of the Sartarite
>Chalana Arroy worshippers to be vegetarians (125). I hereby retract
>this. That the whole culture would find it very difficult to adopt
>vegetarianism is a different argument, and I would support that.

        I, too, concur that the whole culture accepting vegetarianism would be nigh-unto impossible, and put forth that the CA vegetarian beliefs are considered harsh and difficult to adhere to. I'll even admit that it's possible that CA often lapse from their ideal, just like the classic stereotypes of monks and priests who fail to eat fish on Friday or to fast properly during Lent.

>The Chinese keep pigs and chickens everywhere. In the northern
>regions, they rely on sheep and beef as well. The Japanese rely
>heavily on fish everywhere.

        Yes, of course, the Chinese and Japanese aren't all vegetarians. All I meant was that they support relatively large populations of vegetarian sects. Certainly more than you'd find of CA cultists in Sartar.

>I would guess that the consumption of dairy products, and perhaps
>eggs, is still alright.

        I would agree with this, though perhaps a really strict temple would insist on unfertilized eggs only.

I do believe that there are cultures in Glorantha in which vegetarianism is pretty much not possible. The Praxians spring to mind. I would expect that members of the cult of Eiritha (i.e., everybody, at least at lay membership) are _required_ to eat the flesh of a herd animal during certain times of the year. As a result, I hereby predict and expect that there are few or no CA cultists actually living amongst the tribes. All would remain at oases or cities, making periodic visits out to the tribes only.

        Of course, CA is not a Praxian native religion anyway, but it's not likely to take hold with this particular restriction.

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