dinosaurs, dead solars

From: Carlson, Pam <carlsonp_at_wdni.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 15:01:00 PST

Simon says:

 It occurred to me that nutrition in Glorantha doesn't have to have anything to do with essential
amino acids, vitamins and all that jazz.

Yay! I like this.

Lets face it, if trolls can get by on air and rocks should they have to, I don't think we should be applying 20th
century science to the situation. I haven't thought this through to all possibilities, but it seems to me that if you want areas where people suffer malnutrition it could be attributed to a) influence of baleful gods or spirits, b) laxity by the population towards their provider goddess, thus the
malnutrition is a form of Spirit of Retribution, or c) "incorrect" worship of
the provider goddess.

Yup. Or, maybe, by the land goddess being attacked through a heroquest.  Total war, Gloranthan style. (Shudder.)

Finally, would anyone be interested in some notes on ludoch society I compiled for an underwater adventure I once ran?


Harald on When to Die as a Solar:

 > I think the worst time to die might actually be at Dawn.

Gee - we've always played that dying at dawn is a good omen. You held out until Yelm rose. Then you get to soar up to Yelm and travel in his chariot/ (back of Kargzant?) across the sky, looking down on the world. Kind of a nice bennie. If you die at night, your friends wait till dawn to burn you, then send you on your way.

>The fun factor in seeing a dinosaur plow a field is so great we should be
knocking our brains
>out thinking of ways to make it _more_ possible.

How about smaller ceratopsians - say three ton ones? That's 1.5 draft horses, and still pretty impressive, especially w/ horns. If they could digest wood, they could eat plant waste: rice leaves and barley stalks. And you don't have to feed 'em much in the winter - maybe they could "hibernate" w/ special magics? (I know - later dinosaurs were probably warm blooded, but this ain't Earth). And the Lodrili dyke and dam builders could use aquatic dinosaurs for underwater construction. Too Flintstone-esque?

I agree w/ Sandy - dinosaurs stay around locally. (Or else we'd have seen them w/ the Lunar Army in Prax & Sartar.) Ah-ha! A use for those ancient Pelorian earth cults - dinosaur controlling. It would give them some importance within Dara Happa. And if you think a Naverian priestess is going to approve of some _man_ hauling off her sacred plow animal to go to _war_ somewhere far away....


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