Re:Arachne Solara

From: Mike Cule <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 11:14:31 GMT

Hmmm, so you want to include a PC (a PC!) Arachne Solara Priestess....

My first inclination is to say: don't do it! She is the goddess of Fate, of Infinity and the mother of Time. She is too basic to the structure of Glorantha and potentially too powerful a Divine Patron to be allowed into any group of players. Keep her for mysterious NPCs and visions.

But since you're probably going to ignore this sage advice...

There are two known routes to becoming initiated into the cult of Arachne Solara: the cult of Areana the Spider Goddess and the Hero Cult of Cragspider. Neither of these is easy to access by an average human being. There must be others but I would suspect that the majority of her cult would be solitary wanderers and seers. Hmmm, that's not too bad a central theme for her followers.

Suppose that the seers of Arachne Solara, having received their initiation are obliged to wander the world inspecting the threads of their Goddess' web. They may never own more than they can carry and may never sleep in the same place more than once.

In return they all receive Divination as a reusable Rune Spell that can be cast anywhere and regained anywhere (do you see any temples to Herself in the average city? You do not.) And they get the equivalent of the GURPS Danger Sense advantage: a Sense Threat skill (Base 25% plus magic bonus) which warns them of imminent danger.

They dress in grey spider silk and carry staffs.

Any comments?
- --
Mike Cule

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