Malkioni souls, thanks

From: (wrong string) én <>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 95 09:19:45 PST

Hi all,

I'm not an expert on Malkionism so I may be kicking in open doors or be way off the mark. Anyway, I was wondering if Malkioni may have a concept of humans having two souls or spirits.
The higher soul represents your immortal part, your true self etc and will hopefully go to Solace when you die. The second soul, or spirit, represents your base bodily lusts and desires and must be guarded against and fought. Anyone's soul can go to Solace if he has led a clean life, knowing his place and following Malkion's Law. Sorcerers however can, through a ritual, use their spirit to enhance their abilities (i.e Vessel/familiar etc) this can be dangerous as the spirit gains power this way and can start to seduce you. This is why only those with long training should be allowed this.
If a person dies after an unclean life, his soul does not go to Solace but is overpowered by the spirit and remains in the world, this is what happens to most pagans and all heretics and explains all those spirit entities around.

Nick Brooke suggests that I buy Codex #1, ok I will

Robert McArthus has gifted us with a utility to search old digest on-line. Excellent initiative!



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