You 'orrible File! Sound off, all 7/8/10 of you!

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 95 23:18:47 GMT

Adrian White wonders about Phalangist squad sizes, MOB sez:
> You asked about Lunars using 7's as a basic squad size and 8 for Yelmies.
> We are currently working on groups of 10 for the Yelmies, and 7's for
> Lunars.

I posted to this effect too, though I think my Dara Happan needs brsuhing up. I suspect that the original, Phalanx Classic, from Pelanda may have have been of the eight-man file, and that this form _also_ persists in places. That's the great thing about "standards"... Yet more grist to the "We need to standardise on seven!" "No, eight, you fool!" mill.

Another difference is whether 7 (or 8, or whathellever) is a "file" or a "half file". Plus how these are then combined into larger units.

I'd guess that the original phalanxes had somewhat ad hoc divisions, with groups of about 20-30 files grouped together under a subcommander of some sort. About seven or eight of these (funky name to be determined) form the whole phalanx.

Dara Happan versions of the phalanx would have a more formal hierarchy, with a 10 (men) x 10 (files) x 10 ("squares") being the obvious Yelmic structure. Add in commanders and sub-commanders and you could contrive to get a regiment with 1111 men and officers.

Lunar phalanxes/legions are probably more like the Pelandan originals, but with some sops to Dara Happan sensibilities. Two Limbs (Maniples?), each of 7 Centuries. Centuries consist of a Centurion, a standard-bearer, and seven files of 14 men. That the Lunars (seem to) organise into 100s, rather than the more obvious 50's (seven files of seven) is probably an instance of Dara Happan influence.

I'm sure some Lunar hotshot has thought about a 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 "legion" at some time. This is significantly larger than a conventional phalanx, so probably wreaks havoc with systems of command and supply.


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