Tricksters and Humakti

From: Greybeard <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 09:20:39 GMT

> The Troll
> >So Glorantha isn't Earth? So we can have hippos in a Northern
> >European climate but I can't have gay Humakti?
> Who ever said you can't have gay Humakti? All that was
> claimed is that being accused of enjoying the passive end of anal sex
> is considered a serious insult among most Orlanthi. Don't be so
> sensitive. Instituting happy acceptance of homosexuality among all
> Gloranthan cultures is more like forcing all PCs to ride hippos
> instead of horses. It doesn't ring true.

Okay okay, I'm not all that serious at all. I think that Tricksters Humakti Babeestor Gor and adult Voria membership are ways "out" of Orlanthi mainstream culture. Therefore since I utterly agree with your view of Orlanthi culture being homophobic, these are the routes out.


(author lost, sorry)
> The difference with Tricksters, however, is that Humakti
> can have a place in society, although they aren't *part*.
> Both tricksters and Humakti are considered dangerous,
> but Humakti are far more predictable, and are a risk
> you can handle.
> So, technically, they're outside society, and that could
> be rephrased as being outside the law.

Tricksters are outlaws and yet do have a strong role in Orlanthi society. They cut themselves loose, and then exist as the collective devil's advocate to the society. Humakti cut themselves loose, and then form the death guard. What is different is that Humakti then band together again, often as blood brothers, and given their natures, few people have need to attack them needlessly. I still contend that if Humakti cut themselves off from kith and kin, which is the root of Orlanthi society, they are technically outlaws.

As for gay hippos... :-)

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