From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 11:39:38 -0600

Nils doesn't agree that all the important people in Glorantha have haitches in their names, by mentioning
>Arkat, Malkion, Zzabur, Tada

        You mean Arkhat, Malkhion, Zzaburh, and Tadha, don't you? Where did you come up with those weird spellings, Nhils?

>The Khralorelan calendar presented in the Ghenertela book divides
>the year into six months. Any theories as to which godtime moon had
>this periodicity? I'm a bit confused since Moon stuff doesn't seem
>to be part of Kralorelan mythos.

        Hmm. My terming of the Khralorelan year subdivisions as "months" was probably just a slip of the pen, but it does lead to some possibly-productive thoughts.

        We know that the White Moon was visible in the Isles of Dawn before the Sun's Rise. Perhaps it was also visible in Khralorela, though perhaps not so clearly. I suspect it was not visible from most of Genertela, though, perhaps masked by the Blue Moon (which hovered over Pamaltela). And perhaps the White Moon had this peculiar cycle.

Nick Brooke has a cool idea about some artificial Brithini for God Forgot. I wholly approve. Brithini who keep pretending to be immortal, fooling everyone but themselves. I further suggest that your average God Forgot pseudo-Brithini is pretty much fooled by his system -- he thinks that everyone but _him_ actually is immortal, or at least very long-lived, and is upset by the unfairness of his own aging. If only I can live more perfectly, he thinks. Maybe the aging will stop. Maybe then I can live forever, like everyone else. Gotta keep toe'ing the line.

>Oh, no, not another "Glory in Death" philosophy, aren't the broos

        What are you talking about? Who is suggesting that the broos (he said proprietarily) seek Glory in Death, hmm. Lemme at him.

Broo Motivations

        Broo motivations are threefold. Everything they do, everything they say, and all their lives are based upon Fear, Hate, and Lust. Though they hate all living things with a passion unmatched even by their opponents' dislike for _them_, most broos strive to cling to existence as though they were truly alive.

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