Various naughtiness.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 95 04:06:45 GMT

> re: Kralorela
> Nils believes that bad Kralori are recycled while good Kralori get to
> go to Vithela. This makes heaps of sense to me.

I'd be happier about this were it not for the rider than being "good" in this sense was the norm. It gives me more Feel Right Factor (if you can't beat the TLA mob, join 'em) that one has to strive hard to be able to pass truly Onward, and they're not just weeding out obvious bad apples.

Of course, it then seems even more woeful that these paragons of Enlightenment and virtue have to cool their heels in Vithela for centuries at a stretch. But this is just an unfortunate consequence of this recent phenomenon of emperors hanging around for ages and ages.

MOB chastens himself harshly, as a consequence of being a stranger to visual mail editors:
> Well, I must go off and write "theirs" and "I must not say 'shit'" 150 times,

Hrm. If you have to write that 150 times everytime you write "shit", doesn't that mean you have to go write it 150^("infinity") times? Hopefully you'll break out of this barren cyclicism soon enough to post more MOBisms.


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