Insidious haitches

From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 95 17:45:12 +0100

>Nils doesn't agree that all the important people in Glorantha have
>haitches in their names, by mentioning
>>Arkat, Malkion, Zzabur, Tada
> You mean Arkhat, Malkhion, Zzaburh, and Tadha, don't you?
>Where did you come up with those weird spellings, Nhils?

Hmm, can I plead ignorance of the english language^H^H^H^H^H^H^H lhanguage?

Kralorelan moons:
> Hmm. My terming of the Khralorelan year subdivisions as
>"months" was probably just a slip of the pen, but it does lead to
>some possibly-productive thoughts.
> We know that the White Moon was visible in the Isles of Dawn
>before the Sun's Rise. Perhaps it was also visible in Khralorela,
>though perhaps not so clearly. I suspect it was not visible from most
>of Genertela, though, perhaps masked by the Blue Moon (which hovered
>over Pamaltela). And perhaps the White Moon had this peculiar cycle.

Very nice theory to which might be added that the White Moon's cycle can perhaps be attributed to eclipsing by the Black Moon, but on the other hand, that's after the Sun's rise.

As for the Blue Moon hovering over Pamaltela, does that imply that it didn't have a cycle at all in those days?

/Nils W (who prefers to keep his name untainted by haitches)

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