Good and Bad Dead People

From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 95 17:52:51 +0100

> re: Kralorela
> Nils believes that bad Kralori are recycled while good Kralori get to
> go to Vithela. This makes heaps of sense to me.

>I'd be happier about this were it not for the rider than being "good"
>in this sense was the norm. It gives me more Feel Right Factor (if
>you can't beat the TLA mob, join 'em) that one has to strive hard
>to be able to pass truly Onward, and they're not just weeding out
>obvious bad apples.

My theory is that this is the beauty of the afterlife system devised by Thalurzni: you don't have to be particularly good to get the benefits, you just have to follow the rules and avoid being bad.

>Of course, it then seems even more woeful that these paragons of
>Enlightenment and virtue have to cool their heels in Vithela for
>centuries at a stretch.

Well that's the flipside of the system. There's a Sky culture under the draconic stuff in Kralorela. I'd say the solar heaven is a lot tougher to get to, but once you succeed you get there right away. All in all, you win some, you loose some.

/Nils W

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