Seven Mothers

From: Loren Miller <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 23:51:46 -0400

Let's see if I can remember:
  1. Teelo Norri
  2. Yanafal Tarnils
  3. Irrippi Ontor (like Lhankor Mhy, but instead of the aspiration question it's hard to tell which letter to double)
  4. Jakaleel the Witch
  5. Xanfive Daron
  6. She Who Waits
  7. Xemela ? Nope. Checked it. It's Deezola, the Lunar goddess of healing. Pretty close though.
    • -- whoah! +++++++++++++++++++++++23 Loren Miller <> The City almost looks peaceful under a blanket of new-fallen souffle. -- The Tick

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