Re: Pairs of Runes

Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 16:48:14 -0400

From the Land of Lurkers, Hail!
This is Stephen Malelu, aka DarkLazer, aka DimWit

The following is reconstruction of a conversation between Drake Earl Deepthought, a feathered follower of Lankhor Mhy, and Prince of Thumbs, a presumed mistress race troll, based on the notes the former made when he was a "guest" of the latter. It appears the original conversation was in Old Pavic, intersperced with Darktongue for philisophical clarity. Drake was not a master of either language, nor could he follow the subtleties of Darktongue, as some of the sounds were below the threshold of duck or human hearing.

The fate of the good sage was never discovered. His wax tablets were found in a tavern, if such a hovel could be called that, in Dagori Inkarth, being used to prop up a table.

PoT: You have asked Us concerning the nature of the Powers, Life and Death, Harmony and Disorder, and the like. It [unknown] Us to speak to you of this, since We know you will be utterly unable to digest Our words, and likely fail to grasp even the outer meaning.

Under the light of the sun, all things are severed, burnt to ash; the shadow and the substance, the essence and attribute, and so forth. All unity is lost. This is how Arkat thought, and why he was unable to eat Gbaji, until he entered Our Shadow, and heard the Silence that was the First and the Last. This is how the Defilers [God Learners?] thought, and why they died of hunger eating themselves, in the end.

Know that in the Depths of Power, where the sun can never shine, the Eater and the Food are One. "The Goddess brings us forth. The Goddess suckles us at Her breast. The Goddess consumes us. We are Her substance and She is ours," and again, "I am Food, I am a Food-eater." We hear you nodding, as though you apprehend Our words. You do not. This secret can be known only by those who have shut their eyes completely to the light of ignorance, and inclined their ears, in absolute fear, to the Silent Dark, can ever know the meaning of the words "The Eating, the Eater, and the Eaten are One. Fools think to divide them."

Listen. In the Hurtplace are those who whine when the Children of Subere eat them. They do not understand. We do them great service, uniting them with the One. Even the [sun gods? devils? krjalki?] know in their [darkness of darnesses?] that though they walk in the sun [or under heaven], they are devoured already by the Night That Shall Never Know Day. In every age We have feasted on their flesh, and in ages to come, We will taste it again.

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