
From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 16:58:12 +0200

People wanted stories, so here's one which is inspired by an RQ session this spring.

Conversation overheard at a drinking establishment in Pavis:

'No I tell you, it was really some action down at Horngate... What?, yeah I know the oasis dwellers are meek fools who do whatever the nomads bully them into, but this was no oasis people involved.

No, at that pitiful excuse for a bar they have down there the usual lot was hanging out, but there were some people more too. At one table sat some dudes, I don't know their names, but everyone knows they ride with a band of robbers. They were two and with them was another guy I newer saw before. He was tall and rough looking, and well armed too.

Down by the back wall sat four women, really scary ones. Someone said they were earth avengers, warriors all the way from Esrolia. Two of them were as big as any man and armed with those really big axes. The other two were smaller but I tell you one of them looked like a demon, with tattoos and scars and teeth filed into pointy fangs.

Suddenly all four of them got up and the biggest of them popped the tall guy over the head so hard I thought his neck was broken. The two guys who ride with the robbers went for their swords, but the other three chicks had their axes out and looked like they would use them, so the guys didn't do nothing when the women backed out, dragging the knocked out man.

Now the chicks dragged this guy out and roped him up for the night and the other two guys went for their steeds and took off in great hurry.

Next morning the chicks put the roped up guy on a pack horse and rode out, but they didn't get far, for five of the robbers were waiting for them, charging as soon as they got out on the street.

These robbers are a mean gang. It's whispered down there that they are Gagarthi. Now I wonder which were the worst, the robbers of the chicks. First thing the chick with filed teeth cuts the prisoner's head with a bright sickle and then the fight started.

I can't say what happened blow by blow, it was so over so quick and they were so many fighting. But I do tell you it's the ugliest bloodiest fight I ever saw. Those chicks are bloody-handed murderers all of them. They cut down four of the robbers real fast. The fifth tried to run but the chick with the teeth ran him down and hacked him to pieces with the bright sickle and an axe like a crow's beak.

So the chicks take the robbers' steeds and leave the rest of their stuff for the oasis people and let them clean up the mess. Seems the guy they popped on the head was wanted for stealing something from the earth people, dunno what. One thing's for sure though, I'll stay well clear of those maniacs.'

This happened in one of our campaigns. The Babeester Gor "ladies" are our characters. The campaign isn't too seriously intended, but it's quite fun to indulge in some totally politically incorrect mayhem now and then. The scene above played out like a show-down from a spaghetti western teleported to Glorantha.

Nils W				| It's hard to win when you always loose
Office:	| 


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