Kolat? Kolating?

From: Michael Raaterova <cabal_at_algonet.se>
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 1995 14:50:57 +0200

Does anyone of the Gurus have any detailed info on Kolat and his 'shamans'/wind mystics? Does a writeup exist? If yes, where can i find it?

I believe he's not commonly revered but his cult should exist on the fringes of orlanthi culture, especially when the neighbours are spirit cultists.

BTW, what are the oralnthi burial practices?

I guess the Priests and Lords gets a Wind Burial, exposure type. Chieftains and Thanes are laid on the funeral pyre to send the soul up into the air, after which the bones are inhumed in a mound. Earth cultists of rank are buried right away, but what about the 'ordinary' people of the clan? How are they buried? Is there a consensus on this or does it vary from region to region?

Thankful for any answers

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