Castle blue, Tsankth

From: Robert McArthur <>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 1995 19:16:15 +1000 (EST)

Perusing the Secret's Book os Elder Secrets, I came across two questions staring out at me from the pages:
  1. In the list of deities with enchant metal magic is the name of Tsankth - who is this deity who is in such rarified company as what looks like a pretty small list out of the possible Gods? Or did the writer of article assume it's coming from only one perspective, with very little research, and is only about God's which are easily and well-known?
  2. on the last page page about heroquesting I saw:

"The processes of the Lunar Way seemed to contradict the Great Compromise, and in response the ancient gods of nature and time inspired many of their number to rebel against their hidebound cult authorities, and heroquest thoroughly, aiming themselves to challenge the Red Goddess. The resultant battle of Castle Blue resulted in the acceptance of the Red Goddess into the world as a deity."

Reading this it looks that one way to read it is that the older gods inspired their _followers_ (ie. non-gods) to greater heights and challenge the Red Goddess. So, I humbly put forward to the assembled priests of Knowledge and Truth, that it was *not* Humakt who fought Irrippi Ontor - but a Humakti; and similarly for the other Seven Mothers. As the matters directly surrounding the Red Goddess is still under review, I will not state preliminary findings as yet - but I believe that the 7 mothers merely fought mortal representatives of their deities, and ones who had given the 7M a head start in heroquesting, rather than the deity itself. This likewise gets around the problem of having the Gods manifest out of time at Castle Blue - after all, which version of them would manifest? Take a trollish example - KL at the start of time (very strong)? KL after Gbaji (much weaker)?

I await you erudition,
Robert McArthur
Knowledge (?) Lord of StormBull!

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