Do we need a forum for online RQ articles?

Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 12:21:25 BST

I recently resubscribed to this list, and am again impressed by the quality and utility of much of what appears here. I know the dailys are archived, and I have downloaded some of the ones I have missed. The problem is it is hard work diging through dozens of digests to pull out a handfull of what are, in effect, full blown articles. For example - cult writeups, Sandy's Doraddi stories, scenarios, etc.

Contrast this with the situation on the Nephilim digest. Chat and discussions go on the list, but full blown articles go to the Chaosium Digest. That way they are fully indexed and archived as articles, and are a lot easier to find.

Something like this for RQ would be incredibly usefull. I know Shannon has kept the Chaosium Digest RQ free, probably because he does not want it dominated by a single system.

Does anyone else feel the same way? It seems a shame that people put a lot of effort producing some great posts, only for them to dissapear into the list archives, never to be seen again. I have been cuting stuff out of the digests and saving them up for my own refference, but I have probbaly missed quite a bit.

Perhaps we could do something along with the RQ rules list? I'm sure they could benefit from an online forum for distributing and preserving article-length posts, like the Chaosium Digest.

Simon Hibbs

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