Golden Folk

From: David Cake <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 11:42:56 +0800

Sandy piqued my interest with

>And I imagine the Hidden
>Greens have a few genuine Golden Folk. Oh yes, and in the middle of
>the Krjalki Bog exist some remnants, though they aren't human.

        I would love you to expand on this teaser! Besides pure interest, I am planning to run a Desert Tracker quest some day, and I want a nifty climax.

        There is an adventure in Borderlands that goes to the Hidden Greens, and makes them out to be pretty dull - but I imagine that is only the least interesting, and most permanent corner, of them. There could be almost anything in the bits that fade in and out.

        I thought that some of the minor nomad tribes were fairly closely related to the Golden Folk, particularly the Bolo Lizard folk. And how are the Golden Folk related to the original Paps Earth worship? Did the Golden Folk worship Ronance, 3-Bean Circus, serpent guardians, etc?

        Are the areas around Tadas Tumulus (which I think includes some ruins?) Golden Folk remnants?

Sandy also said
> Please nobody think that by exemplifying elves as
>"spiritual" I intend to make them good guys. Just as emotions and
>intellect can be used for good and bad purposes, so can

        I am reminded of a recent (well, recent in Australia) X-Files
episode, where Jim Rose (playing Doctor Blockhead?) is found threading needles and thread through his bare chest. Part of his reply is "if more people knew the true price of spirituality, there would be more atheists."

        And lastly, Sandy on his views on non-humans

>Of course this is an anthropomorphic
>view, but what the hell, _I'm_ a human.

        I think the root of our troll disagreements really starts here - I happily concur with Sandy that to most humans, trolls appear dominated by the id, Mostali by the ego, and elves by the super-ego (in as far as I even use the terminology of that Freudian claptrap :-)). I, however, believe that to the non-humans themselves, or to a human with real knowledge of them, it seems like an absurd oversimpification. So perhaps Sandy and I don't disagree, we just agree from very different viewpoints.


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