Re: Glorantha Digest V2 #99

From: Carl Fink <>
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 1995 21:23:14 -0400

Nick Brooke
>You shouldn't: it was fun, and thought-provoking.

Thank you.

>So say Gloranthan Theists. The Monotheists, Animists and Mystics have other
>points of view. We are reliably informed that all are equally valid. So what is
>your point, exactly? The "we" who "know" that gods exist do not make up the
>whole Gloranthan story: they are our player characters, existing within their
>own world-view. As a theist PC I'd never doubt the reality, existence or power
>of the least of my gods, or ancestors, or spirits, or totems; but a good Rokari
>would dismiss them all as vile demons, lying and corrupting those poor mortals
>who ignore the teachings of Holy Church.

I don't precisely disagree with this -- it makes great sense to me that "the Truth" in Glorantha would be so complex, and contrariwise so deeply simple, that only the greatest of sages could even pretend to truly understand it. I have no problem saying that the Malkioni, Kralori, and Theyalan viewpoints are all partly correct and all partly incorrect, and so on.

What I object to is the idea that *it's belief in these ideas that makes them true or false*. I have said before that I hate Berkeleyism. Let me clarify: solipsism in any guise, even a sort of "democratic solipsism" in which mass belief decides reality, is hateful to me.

I don't mind if what's "out there" is impossible for people to understand or finally control at all, in fact I like that. What I insist on (in my personal Glorantha, of course) is that there be a reality outside of the observer.

From: Eric Rowe <rowe_at_CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

>You are familiar with humor, aren't you?

Sorry, what has this got to do with archaic beliefs about bodily fluids?**

You also write that "we know" that Humakt was a cult created by Arkat, which was originally Humath of Ralios. Um, I didn't know that. Is this really confirmed, or one of the perfidious net-theories that sometimes seem to spring up?

>Interesting. Now what would you think if you were told that the past IS
>immutable, but that our knowledge and perception of what really occurred
>is all that is changing through Myth progression? In the 'real world',
>history does not change, but still all the myths of all cultures changed
>their beliefs as to what that history really was. Having 'real' gods
>does not affect this in Glorantha, especially if the mythological
>progression has true power. (unlike the real world, according to most)

You aren't getting me, are you? THIS IS NOT EARTH! Why are you assuming that mythological progression in Glorantha is anything like what happens here? I mean, this place is a lozenge enclosed by a solid heavenly dome, Eric! It isn't like here.

>Answer me this. If you reject euhemerism completely, how do you explain
>the power of heroquesting to change myth?

Clearly I'm not getting through: In my Glorantha, heroquesting CANNOT CHANGE myth in the sense of changing Godtime events. It can change the nature of reality, as for instance the wounding of Korasting, but it can't go back into the past and change what already happened.

**Yes, I know that's pretty lame and forced. I wasn't inspired. Sue me.
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