Koskil's Hope (Sect 5)

From: Torres, Capt Timothy M <TORRESTM.HQAMC_at_MHS.SAFB.AF.MIL>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 1995 16:13 CDT

As I neared the lake, I discovered many tracks converging with my trail. I slowed, trying to peer ahead to the shores. Before me, I saw every kind of animal drinking at the shores. Among the immense grazing beasts were also a mighty bear, legless serpents, and even a small dragon peacefully drinking from the lake beside the hare and the ram. But everywhere I looked away from the lake, great beasts hunted and killed the very ones they had joined with to sample the waters. And even the hunting, I saw, was with respect, no with reverence. So, seeing no better way, I went down to the shores.

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