
From: Harald Smith (617) 724-9843 <"Harald>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 13:47:00 -0500 (EST)

  Eric comments:
> But, don't forget the New Lolon Gospel! It may someday have a second

  And yes, the second issue is under development (though not currently the   top priority item) and I think it should be ready around the end of the   year. NLG #2 will continue to explore the kingdom of Imther, though   this issue will explore more on merchants (including trade routes and   probably the Imtherian goddess of trade's cult) and tricksters. You can   expect it to include more stories. As a new feature, it will introduce   my own current Imther campaign setting on the border of Imther and   Balazar along the Elf Sea. And I'm sure I'll find other assorted   tidbits to add in.   


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