Role-Playing Systems

From: Torres, Capt Timothy M <TORRESTM.HQAMC_at_MHS.SAFB.AF.MIL>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 08:02 CDT

Roy Veira posted a question about comparing role-playing systems. Sandy's response was right on, but left off the ROLEMASTER system by ICE (Character Law, Claw Law, Arms Law, and Spell Law). It's better than most others I've played (and I was a full-time gourmet game player during college). It's much more realistic than AD&D, maybe even more than RQ3. But it sacrifices playability. Battles take forever (as much as an hour for a four person fight, if you're not used to the system). It uses extensive critical tables. And the magic system is refreshing. But RQ has been my favorite system since I first encountered it in 1984. One of the main reasons is that players are unlimited in what areas of skill and knowledge they may attempt to learn. This is slightly less true in ROLEMASTER. Then RQ has Glorantha going for it, which is undoubtedly the most developed creation in existence, even more so than Tolkien's Middle Earth (From which ROLEMASTER was conceptualized).

Tim Torres

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