minor exotica

From: Peter Metcalfe <P.Metcalfe_at_student.canterbury.ac.nz>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 1995 10:14:48 +1300

Sandy Petersen

>>Genert was/is the king of Genertela. He is not an elemental power,
>>but the sovereign of the land.

> No matter what Joerg and Peter M. say, I consider Genert an
>Earth deity, and so do most Genertelans. He is the Land God, was
>father to the Grain Goddesses who are plainly of the Earth, and his
>parentage is of the Earth. He's not a chthonic deity, true enough,
>but an enlightened benign earth god.

I wasn't disputing Gnert being an Earth Diety. I was saying that he wasn't the 'Earth King' of Genertela. Looking at the surviving counterpart, Pamalt, we see that he comes into power quite late in the Gods War and even then his influence only weakly extends to the shores. And furthermore there is no sign of an 'Earth King' predecessor whom Pamalt displaced (like Orlanth displaced Umath).

As for parentage of all the Land Goddesses of the continent, this I dispute. IMO, Ralios and the West originally thought Flamal of Hrelar Amali to have been the 'Earth King' who fathered the surrounding land goddesses like Genert did for his turf. I don't consider Flamal to be a Giant however.

Pam Carlson:

>And, according to Plentonius, Lodril does dwell in one of the deeper hells.
>He guards the gate to the fourth (worst and nastiest) hell. All according
>to the ancient DH's, however. Apparently they were comfortable with the
>idea that deities can move between hells, the surface world, and even the

Plentonius does mention the Fifth Hell which are populated by the Krjalki (according to the Gloss in the 2nd edition GRAY). The Lunars probably include foreign hells (like the Wonderplace, the Halls of the Silence etc) as well as the Pits of Chaos within the Catchall of the Fifth Hell.

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