Re: Runes and Stats

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 95 13:44:52 -0600

Lewis Jardine
>why not start with runes tied to Stats and skills.

For what it's worth, a long time ago we at Chaosium worked out a connection between the various Runes and appropriate statistics.

Here is the result

	Dark	--> POW; mystic, magical, source of all else.
	Water	--> DEX; ever-flowing, ever-changing.
	Earth	--> CON; the healing mother and strength of stone
	Sky	--> INT; rationality, logic, light of reason
	Storm	--> STR; bluster, force
	Moon	--> APP; everything is an illusion

SIZ is the odd man out, because it doesn't seem to fit. Certainly it doesn't fit the non-physical elements, like Darkness, Fire, Storm, Moon. One could make an argument for Earth, but CON seems better there.

Chaosium's listing (unofficial, but used by us to figure certain spells and abilities) is not dissimiliar to Lewis's. He put SIZ in Darkness, INT in Water, and DEX in Sky, which all seem somehow wrong to me, but hey this is as subjective as you can get.

Sandy P.

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