more dwarves

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 1995 18:31:25 +1300

Eric Rowe:

Me>>I don't think Nida is actually aware of Slon's existance and Vice Me>>Versa until quite recently.

>Well, it is hard for them not to be aware of each others existance.
>They have tunnels that connect to two places (not necessarily
>physical), and always have had. True Mostali can still all travel
>through tunnels to Mostal's workshop and speak with Mostal and each

Just because the tunnels exist doesn't mean the Mostali are aware of that a viable conclave exists at the other end. I do recall an interview with Isidilian in RQ adventures 5 (written by one E. Rowe) in which Isidilian mentions contact with Nida was not established until the first age. Likewise Mostal's Seventh Workshop was thought to be lost until the Jrusteli Dwarves found it. And then the Jrusteli Dwarves believed that they were the Last Dwarves in Glorantha.

Thefore IMO, The Genertelan Dwarves certainly know that there _was_ a factory at Slon and lots of other places but for the most part assume that they have been destroyed.

And as for the ability of True Mostali to travel through all the tunnels and speak with Mostal and each other, It is Well Known that the World Machine has been damaged and consequently Mostal's Workshop is ghosting quite badly. This problem will be corrected once the Projection Device has been found and banged on the side. The True Mostali knows that most of the apparent True Mostali he meets in Mostal's workshop are mere appartions. The proof of this lies in that Some Ghosts claim to be from places that are known to be destroyed like the Spike. Communication with others is very difficult and some apparitions have been known to eat growing things thus proving to the dutiful dwarf that these are Growth inspirited spectres. Chark the Defective accidentally went into this place and came up with the heresy that the Ghosts were actually real. His Heresy will be crushed when the Ghosts in the Machine are exorcized. Consequently any efforts to followup an encounter made in Mostal's Workshop must be carefully deliberated in Committee to see if the expenditure in time and valuable resources is justified.

Erik Sieurin:

Me>> Methinks that the [Diamond Mountain] Diamondwarfs engaged in an 
Me>> experiment to try and transform the Dwarves into Diamondwarfs for 
Me>> the next battle against the Kralori and it backfired spectacularly 
Me>> shattering them into zillions of pieces and leaving a whole lot of 
Me>> magic crystals which the Dwarfs do not want lying around the place. 

>Why? They might be useful. Or is it simply the physical trouble of
>there being a lot of crystals littering the place?

Sorry, I left out a comma. The dwarves do not want the diamonds cum magic crystals and these crystals are lying around the place. They do not want the crystals because they are remants of an experiment gone bad and/or discredited. I like your suggestion that the Mostali created a valley to dump the detrius of their diamond experiments there and set up guardians.

Me>> Accordingly I think the Octomonists try and transmute the body  
Me>> of the Clay Dwarf into that of the metal caste from whence it 
Me>> came (ie into a crude approximation of the original mostali). 

>I have always assumed that the closer Dwarves come to perfection,
>the more mineralic and machine-like they become, both physically
>and mentally. That's why I opposed the idea that dwarves used
>mechanical transplants for lost limbs and organs - that would be
>"speeding" the process. Now, I have this theory about Octamonists:
>what they oppose isn't Diamonddom per se, but the fact that
>Diamonddwarves are otherwise thought of as being on par with Real
>Mostali. Thus, in an octomonist council which lacks a True Mostali
>for one of the seats, the seat will simply be vacant.

The True Mostali are very rare, rarer than the Diamondwarves IMO and nobody can make them anymore. If Diamond Mountain adopted that seating arrangement then at least 75% and possibly 100% of the council seats will be vacant even if they headhunted all the Conclaves in the World IMHO.

I don't think the Dwarves become more mineralic and machine-like physically as they reach Diamondwarf status although they certainly do so mentally. This gets around your objection of 'speeding up the process' IMO. With respect to Eric's suggestion that the Dwarves believe they are Mostal, I'm thinking that this is only what the mainstream dwarves believe and the Octamonists reject this Diamond Philosophy as erroneous.

The Octamonists know that they are Clay Dwarves first and foremost. The concept of attaining a Unity with the World Machine by Mental 'Mineralization' is spiritualistic nonsense from their PoV. They seek to become True Mostali instead.

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