Syndrome list

Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 14:03:34 -0500 (EST)

Here is that syndrome list from the New York Times:

Problem Name Where Description

Amok                Malaysia,         Brooding followed by a violent outburst;
                similar elsewhere     often precipitated by a slight or insult;
                                      prevalent only among men

Ataque de Nervios   Latin America       An episode of uncontrollable shouting,
                   and Mediterranean    crying, trembling, heat in chest rising
                                        to the head, verbal and physical

Bilis, colera     Many Latin groups   Rage perceived as disturbing body balances
or mulna                              causing nervous tension, headache,
                                      trembling, screaming, etc.

Boufee delirante   E. Africa  and     Sudden outburst of agitated and aggressive
                     Haiti            behavior, confusion and mental and
                                      physical excitement

Brain fag         West Africa;        "brain tiredness,"  a mental and physical
                similar elsewhere     reaction to the challenges of schooling

Dhat           India; Sri Lanka;      Severe anxiety and hyopchondria associated
                  China               with discharge of semen and felings of

Falling out or    American South and   Sudden collapse; eyes remain open but
Blacking  out     Caribbean            sightless; the victim hears but feels
                                       unable to move

Ghost sickness   American Indians      Preocupation with death and the dead,
                                       with bad dreams, fainting, appetite
                                       loss, fear, hallucinations, etc.

Hwa-byung          Korea               Symptoms attributed to suppression of
                                       anger, like insomnia, fatigue, panic,
                                       fear of death, depression, indigestion,

Koro             Malaysia;  related    Sudden intense anxiety that sexual organs
                 conditions            will recede into body and cause death;
                 in East Asia          occasional epidemics

Latah            Malaysia, Indonesia,  Hypersensitivity to sudden fright, often
                 Japan, Thailand       with nonsense mimicking of others;
                                       trancelike behavior

Locura           U.S. and Latin        Psychosis tied to inherited vulnerability
                 America               and/or life difficulties; incoherence,   
                                       agitation, hallucinations, possibly 

Mal de ojo       Mediterranean and     Sufferers, mostly children, are believed

"evil eye" elsewhere to be under influence of "evil eye,"
causing fitful sleep, crying, sickness, fever Pibloktoq Eskimo communities Extreme excitement, physical and verbal violence for up to 30 minutes, then convulsions and short coma Qi-gong China A short episode of mental symptoms after Psychotic engaging in Chinese folk practice of Reaction of qi-gong, or "exercise of vital energy" Shen-k'uel or Taiwan and China Marked anxiety or panic symptoms with Shenkul bodily complaints attributed to life- threatening loss of semen Sin-byung Korea Syndrome of anxiety and bodily complaints followed by disassociation and posession by ancestral spirits Spell Southern U.S. A trance in which individuals communicate with deceased relatives or spirits, not perceived as a medical event Susto Latin Groups in Illness tied to a frightening event that ("fright" or U.S. and Caribbean makes the soul leave the body, causing
"soul loss") unhappiness and sickness
Taijin Japan An intense fear that the body, its parts Kyofusho or functions displease, embarrass or are offensive to others Zar North Africa and Belief in possession by a spirit, causing Middle East shouting, laughing, head banging, etc.; not considered pathological

   This list could provide a great way of showing how the culture "over the hill" differs from the one that PC's are used to!

   Lest it be thought that advanced nations don't have their own strange forms of insanity, here are three "problems" that the United States and, increasingly other advanced nations have that Third World nations don't recognize: anorexia, ADD (attention-deficit disorder) and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).

   Jim Chapin

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