Burning Seeds

From: Eric Rowe <rowe_at_CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 22:16:38 -0800

As part of the Eucalyptus/Redwood and Aldryami/Fire discussion MOB mentions...

>At last, I introduce the Gloranthan content! Seeing this reminds me that
>a number of eucalypt species will not germinate until a forest fire has
>scorched them. In the case of the Mountain Ash, this is because a fire
>opens the canopy and gives the seedlings sufficient light to grow, racing
>with each other to see who'll climb the highest and claim the opening. In
>the case of desert gums, the resultant ash fertilises the poor soil and gives
>the seedlings suffienct nourishment to grow. Now, in Glorantha, perhaps we
[stuff about Aldryami helping]

I just thought I'd remind everyone that there are already known Gloranthan tree species that require fire to allow the seed to germinate. They are both native to Caladraland and mentioned in Tales #5.

Karri - E. oakfedii - Holy to Lodril and only logable by Pharaohnic decree.

        The seeds require fire to germinate and when burned the ash is white.

Jarrah - E. exardesco - Virtually identical to Karri, except that when burned

        the ash is black or grey.


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