Delville go home

Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 13:47:35 GMT

	I know I should not write this, but what the heck.
	I do not like Morthander Delville. After the Lethal Weapon like assault
on the poor and innocent Black Fang, I despise him. So this is what would happen in my campaign (well, my old Pavis campaign). The orlanthi (by themselves or spurred by Gimgim covert manipulation) pick a "suicide" voluntary. A Dying Moon day, you ensure it is overcast (usual in this day, Orlanth is stronger) and the voluntary casts on Delville a Dismiss Magic 15 (or more), and all the Thunderbolts available to any priests mindlinked with him of Orlanth. He might have a DI, but if not (being the day it is), the corpse will be too burnt to be ressurrectable. Some Priests will want to cast the Thunderbolts personally. And so Orlanth will get a good publicity thunderbolting (?) to death a Lunar emissary.

        Why this does not happen more often? Well, the Lunars can do the same with any known orlanthi, and most deaths will only have the dead fellow replaced (by somebody worse) and the violence mounting. A lone wolf like Delville, antagonizing his supporters in Pavis, is an easy picking. The Coders, as an example, are difficult to get all at the same time, and the repercussions would be horrible. Although the longterm consequences of killing Delville may be as dire, the short term result in Pavis would be good for everybody (but him).

        Remember that in Glorantha a concerted group of magic-users, and/or a totally dedicated fanatic can kill practically anybody. The trick is avoiding being a target until you are ready to survive. Argrath leaves Pavis when he becomes a target, and even when he is a Hero, he is always supported by his companions. Most of the great feats in Glorantha are Group Affairs, and the system tends to squash the lone hero (except Harrek. Harrek is always the exception).

        Well, sorry if you like Delville's stories, but this is my view of heroism in Glorantha.

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> o CRPP, CNRS-Universite de Bordeaux-I Tel: +33 o
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