Invisible miracles?

From: Carl Fink <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 14:10:39 -0500

Loren Miller writes:

>Is anybody else out there operating under the assumption that
>Malkioni who follow a particular saint still pray to the Invisible
>God for Divine Intervention? Why would you pray to a saint when the
>saint isn't independently divine? Heresy! Pray to the Invisible God,
>who does grant miracles (aka DI).

There's a reason they call him the "Invisible" God, Loren. I don't think the Creator grants any special favors directly.

The Western God of Glorantha always reminds me of the "philosophical" god of Aristotle, the Unmoved Mover. This God is not "personal", not just a "big human spirit", and never acts, let alone intervening in history. You're confusing Him with the historical God of a Moses or Isaiah.

I've wondered if the Westerners came up with the theory of "emanations" that was accepted by groups as diverse as Greek philosophers, the Islamic Faylasufs, the Jewish Kabbalists, and the Christian mystics.

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