Meaningless accusations against an ardent speaker for humanity

From: Erik Sieurin <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 16:14:52 +0100

First the silly business:
Michael Raaterova accuses me of being the most foul things:
1. a dwarf-lover
2. illuminated
3. an Eurmalite (again)
4. furthermore, that I have grown
5. an Arkati
6. a chaotic 
7. an exploding Ulerian were-hobbit

Of this, only 1 is even partially true, though the world "love" is higly dubious in this context. Anyone who thinks that the Proper Tools lack feelings is hideously misinformed (probably as a result of Aldryami Growth Propaganda), but the "love" expression is clearly wrong in this context, as it is a too vague term, including both the clearly Machine-proper emotional expressions of "garderflumbur partgyl 67" and "faggar-gnapp krostar 27B" but also the horrible Growth-related "avrok nesok isal 2", which would earn instant recycling in all proper Mostali communities.

The other accusations clearly shows Mr Raaterovas deluded primitive Orlanthi upbringing, filled with intolerance, improper Growth-related principles (note the frequent use of words such as "love", "wank" etc.), lack of mind-discipline and a proper punishment/reward-system of direct progressiv education.

Regarding the "elfkin" accusations, I have earlier stated that I have already became SHORTER, ie a REVERSAL of growth, as well as coming closer to the perfect form of the Man-rune-model, the dwarfs.

Then serious stuff:
Hm, reading Nick's and Peter's thoughts regarding Lunar Empire = Rome
(Imperial or Late Republic):

What about the "freed slaves of the emperor dominating politics phenomena which angers old fogies" of emperors like Claudius and Nero? Is there any similar thing in LE?
(Before the flames arrive: No, I DON'T think LE is an exact copy of
any RW culture. But that happens to be one of my personal raisins of the Rome cake, and I wondered if any of the Lunar propagan.. eh, the Lunar Informants had thought about it.)

Erik Sieurin

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