The East Roman Lunars

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 12:15:59 +1100

G'day all,

East Lunar Empire

Joerg writes on another good model for the Lunar Empire:

>look at the East Roman Empire. There you have the multinational court
>composition, sufficient decadence, your choice of state religions and
>tolerated ones, and lots of political murder.

Right on Joerg (yes, I have been ludicrously busy with RQ Con DU).

Peter Metcalfe:
>>'your choice of state and tolerated religions'? In the Byzantine Empire?
>>As in Hobson's Choice or 'Choose the Official One or Die Horribly'?

Perhaps Joerg actually means the East Roman Empire, where cults like Cybele, Mithras, Attis, Isis, Sol Invictus and even Christianity swirled around within a generic "Roman" state and religious framework. The term "Byzantine" does not properly begin until Constantine (4th century) or even Heraclius (7th), when Christianity (whether Arianism, Athanasianism, Monophysitism, Monothelitism, Iconoduly, Iconoclasm or even Orthodoxy) was the sole official state cult; clearly not a model for the tolerant, all-embracing Lunar Empire.

MOB (with Nick looking over his shoulder for his Daily fix!)

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