
From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_sartar.toppoint.de>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 22:57:26 MET

Peter Metcalfe:
>>> Eleven (beyond perfection) would be an unlucky number

Not necessarily so. "Emperor" Khorviramaka (64 in the FS) undergoes the Eleventh Test.

>>As I recall, The Elevens are some sort of DHn Spetnaz, or so some >>throw-away line in GRAY seems to imply. Peter:
> There's a comment in the Fortunate Succession's entry for Emperor
> Vanyoramet about who the Elevens were and how they came to get their
> name.

Still they remain a part of the Dara Happan culture, even after destroying what was left after Manimat's departure. Anirestyu sends them to aid Nysalor in his last battle.

> The 'Beyond Perfection' description (which came from there)
> seems to indicate that the Dara Happans viewed them as outside the
> Social Order (much like the Berserker is in Orlanthi Society).

The necessary internal evil to combat the outer evil... A common Darkness theme.

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