Double Negatives

From: Nick Brooke (D&T CAS) <"Nick>
Date: 08 Mar 96 08:31:04 EST

Peter's suggestion that Lunar bureaucrats overuse the double negative takes on yet more lustre when we recall my old suggestion that the New Pelorian language may be deliberately evolving towards an Orwellian Newspeak: a language which implicitly contains and supports one ideological view of the world, from which no expression of dissent can be made. So, is calling something "doubleplusungood" different from calling it "doubleminusgood"? Maybe so, in the mind of the bureaucrat penning such a discreet gem...

Of course, Gene Wolfe's Ascians are a Good Thing too: maybe for one of Martin's obsessively-scriptural by-the-Book Malkioni heresies. (Anyone who hasn't read the Book of the New Sun should now do so, by Imperial Command).


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