Invisus Orlantum and Tattoos

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 14:00:43 +1200

Loren Miller:

>I like almost everything that people are saying about IO, except that
>anyone in reach of the Carmanian Orthodoxy who claimed that Idovanus
>was the devil or that Ganesatarus was the good god would be quickly
>crucified, or worse. So I doubt strongly that any IOs make that claim.

Well IMHO they do. They just don't make that claim in *public*.

Robert Cheiron:

>Tattooing and body piercing seem very un-Western to me. In fact, I
>think they would go against one of the basic tenents of Malkionism:
>"Do not harm that which you love."

I agree. Sandy's rules does state that a Tattoo is more difficult than an enchantment into a mundane (1 extra point of POW) and I think this is a reflection of the above view. Only Stygians and Henotheists would use tattoos IMO.

>Which brings up a second topic. How widespread are these practices in
>Glorantha and where did they come from in the first place?

Whilst Robert argues for a Dragonewt origin later spread by the World Council, I think such a practice was much much earlier and virtually universal. The GRAY speaks of Painted People and the Third Eye Blue who had such pratices before the Great Darkness at least. Taking on Robert's original idea, I think that the Kingdom of Logic grew out of the rejection of Tattooing and related practices.

>Piercing is rare in Kralorelea, where it's seen it as a trollish custom.

I think that Tattoos are too unsubtle for the Kralori mind and thus it's looked with Disdain.

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