EWF plastic surgery

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_toppoint.de>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 96 21:30 MET DST

Peter Metcalfe on Tattoos
>The humans may have learned a potent form of tattooing from the 'newts,
>but I have no firm idea what this might be. Given the newts' tendency
>towards body modification (cutting a tongue in half, removing the
>rightside of the brain, the multilation of the heifer in Elder Secrets),
>I think they eschew the ink (they can't write IIRC) and go for radical
>plastic surgery (ie implanted spikes, multilated body parts).

So that's where the Remakers learned their trade?

Transplantation instead of ritual scarring? Is the horse rump of a "pain centaur" just an elaborate "tattoo"?

Whether the newts can write or not, but I do believe they go for colourful pigment injection into the skin. Mere colour symbolism can well replace a writing. (keeps painting those tin 'newts more interesting, too...) And remember that the 'newt stelae forming the magic roads do have some sort of symbols on them, writing or not.

Then there are the magisaur/Trachodon ex-'newts, which tattoo their spirit magic into their skin as they grow out of their size and INT. I'd expect more than mere scarring to achieve this.

>the exoticness, I don't think any but the Wizards of the City of 10,000
>magicians actually practice it nowadays.

If I'm right about the Remakers, their main centre of trade went down some dragon's throat, and much of their custom, too.

Go check the Ralian trolls' piercings and Vesmonstran vs. East Wild Orlanthi tattoos on Castle Stahleck, 24th to 27th May '96...

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