More on Malia

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:16:08 -0400

In Digest #478 a poster wrote that the normal healing cults could also provide Mallia-style preventative measures against getting diseases. Peter Metcalfe replies
>But they *can't* according to the roolz. Surely they should be >able to do
so if they could. Rather a suspicious oversight >don't you think? Peter, I think that you're trying to have your cake and eat it, too. Your own version of Malia requires several changes from the rules. This is your right of course, but you can't prevent others from doing the same thing with other cults.
A little while later Peter writes
>I don't think she (Malia) was warped. She was always the >Goddess of
bacterium which she retains to this day. BACTERIUM?! This Metcalfe guy must be a God-learner! Unleash the Uroxi and prepare the tar & feathers!

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