
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 01:47:31 -0400

Hi all!

First, Peter Metcalf (in replying to Pam Carlson) wrote that the "real fighting units" of Esrolia are female, while the "(t)he men are mustered in large formations, equipped with shitty weapons and sent towards the enemy in an effort to wear them down."

Martin Laurie then replied, in disagreement with Peter Metcalf.

Martin, you certainly said a mouthful about Esrolia. Unfortunately I originally had trouble hearing any of what you said, since your foot was in the way! As a feminist, as someone who believes that men and women deserve the same rights, I was greatly put off by your "something from a feminists dream world" statement. You imply that feminists are women who dream of wielding power over men. THIS feminist dreams of an equality of rights for men and women at all levels of society. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less.

Once I got past that, though, I found I agreed with you about the men's units being more than the equivalent of trollkin troops. But, I also agree with Peter that the men's units are seen as expendable. This comes from my thinking about gender roles in Esrolia. Here are some of those thoughts.

For better or worse, Esrolia has been described as "a matriarchy." But what exactly does THAT mean? Does it mean that the Esrolians practice matriliny and matrilocality? I believe they do. Does it mean that Esrolian women rule over men in a prejudiced and power-hungry way? Is Esrolian matriarchy a mirror image of the patriarchy of Dara Happa? I don't think so. Or are the Esrolians somehow a mirror image of the other Orlanthi? Possibly in some ways, but I don't think it's as simple as that. For one thing, the Orlanthi are not a standardized group. Just in Sartar there is a WIDE variety of cultural and social practices, some of which are also found in Esrolia. While there are many examples of clear gender role divisions, there are also some examples of exceptions to those divisions. Vinga is one such example. In short, I don't see women and men being much more equal in Esrolia than in Sartar. (BUT, I do see women in Dara Happan society being more oppressed than in any Orlanthi society.)

I think that Esrolian gender roles are DIFFERENT from the gender roles for Heortland, Sartar, the Grazelands, etc. Unfortunately, due to mythic reasons, I also think that most Esrolians believe men to be inferior to women in many important (to Esrolians) ways. (But they don't believe this to the same degree the Trowjang Amazons do! Men are the 'Enemy Sex' to Trowjang women, but are just the 'Other Sex' to Esrolian women. Dara Happan men see women as the 'Opposite Sex', though.)

I think the core Esrolian belief, from the family hearth to the courts of the matriarchal Queens, is that women are superior to men because they can give birth, because they can provide sustenance from their own bodies, and because they are naturally in touch with the supernatural rhythms of the universe (via the menstrual cycle). From Uleria to Ty Kora Tek, women have the ultimate power of life and death. Abortions, though rare, are probably an honored rite of passage signifying the right and ability of a woman to choose whether to bear life or not. In fact, I believe that Babeester Gor priestesses are NOT forbidden from having intercourse, the way Maran Gor priestesses are. Instead they are forbidden to bear life, and so must ritually end all pregnancies with an abortion.

Because they lack a womb, the source of all originality, men are seen as imitative and having little ability to be innovative. Because they lack breasts, men have no instinct for the most subtle of gustatory nuances. (Thus they can be adequate, or even good [if simple] cooks, but never great chefs.) Because they have no menstrual cycle, men have no innate sense of rhythm, time, space, or seasons. Men also have more difficulty with concentrating, using verbal and nonverbal communication, and understanding others. It is probably only in the Esrolian cult of Lhankor Mhy that men are recognized as being able to think as clearly and logically as women.

Men are seen as being naturally drawn to working with fire, as young boys quickly learn to put out a fire by peeing on it. Young boys also love to play at crudely cooking over fires. In addition, men are the 'handsome' sex, naturally intended to raise children after women have bourn them. Men have stronger muscles (although the female body is stronger than the male body in every other way) and are aggressively territorial; they are the natural willing protectors of women, children, and the home. Thus, Esrolian men are competent homemakers, enjoyable ornaments, pleasing sexual companions, devoted sons, loving husbands, and (when necessary) expendable protectors.


     Peter Michaels

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