Esrolia - Who does the fighting

From: Jesper Wahrner <>
Date: 22 Apr 96 17:42:00 +0100

I must join the lot that claim that most of the fighting forces of Esrolia don't consist of Babeester Gor worshipers or indeed females at all.

They aren't Babeester Gor worshipers in my mind because I have always viewed that cult as a highly ritualistic one concerned with the defence of temples and holy places, and one that seeks out and destroys people that have committed specific (and heinous) crimes against such places and/or worshipers. While there are probably more BG worshipers in Esrolia than anywhere else, there are still not enough of them to make up an army. I can imagine small elite BG-troops that deals with "war-criminals" that has transgressed against that which the cult holds sacred though.

They aren't female because... well that's not the Ernalda style. She has lots of husband protectors and they do the actual fighting for her. The same goes for Esrolia. The core of the fighting forces comes from worshippers of the various husband gods. Any female part of the army would probably worship Maran Gor and be rather specialized magic using units, or be females that happen to belong to the protector cults.

Furthermore I find the technique of creating matriarcharial societies by reversing the social roles of the genders crude. Sure, one may argue that those who control the army sooner or later control the country. And this may be true in the real world and may indeed partly explain the notable lack of matriarcharial societies throughout history. But in Esrolia I think the mythological ties to Earth and the magical strength of the earthreligions well compensates for having the males carrying the weapons.

And if you wan't amazons in your game you can always go to Trowjang.

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