De Esrolites

From: David Hall <100116.2616_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: 22 Apr 96 19:11:23 EDT

A lot of people seem to be suggesting that the model for Esrolia should, in effect, be like a standard patriarchal society, with the top lopped off and replaced with a female queen. I disagree. I find such a concept boring.

I do like the idea of building a matriarchal society based on feminist thinking. I think this is more fun, especially when role-playing the standard male PCs interacting with it. However, I dont want to present it as a perfect feminist utopia where men and women live in wonderful equality and harmony, respecting each others rights, and exhibiting politically correct views all of the time. That, too, is boring.

I want my Esrolia to be a place where gender roles and their reversal can be explored. But I dont go as far as Peter Michaels in his idea of a complete role reversal (i.e. men as homemakers, women as breadwinners). Its a fun idea, for about five minutes. For me a reverse stereotype avoids all the issues and the grey areas.

I'd prefer something in between, certainly feminine, but not stereotypical.

Military stuff

The best Esrolite warriors are the Babeester Gor worshippers. I see them as women who have redirected (sacrificed?) all their personal energies and magic from fertility and life into death and destruction. Glorantha *is* a magical world (unlike the real world) and so this makes them mean and awesome fighters. Especially fearsome is their reputed power to make you infertile if their axes wound you, not to mention their ritual castration of prisoners (if youre lucky). The bloody heads and genitalia hanging from their belts can be rather off-putting.

Of course, there are not very many of them around (Phew!). Many are based in the various community Earth temples around the country where they act as a sort of police force for the local ruling family, while others form various Matriarchal bodyguards and guards for holy places such as The Necropolis. In time of invasion these groups can combine to form a half-dozen or so regiments of deadly Axe Maidens.

I don't see there being any indigenous female Humakti. It is after all a male death god, and females already have this aspect well covered by Babeester Gor.

I reckon Humakt is male only, and about the only foreign military god allowed in Esrolia purely because of his dedication to death. Humakt is a god of brave warriors, and not a god of leaders or politicians, so it doesnt present an obvious threat to the female rulers. My guess is that men who join the Esrolian Humakt cult must cut themselves off completely from life, i.e. practice total celibacy. Another possibility is that they have eschewed intercourse with females, but not males, and are akin to the Theban Band of Greek legend.

Not that theres many Humakti either, maybe a half dozen regiments? IMHO the cult was probably imported into Esrolia by the Pharoah and the regiments were formed as the Esrolian contingent of his standing army.

The great majority of the Esrolian army are the male farm labourers, minor craftsmen, fishermen et al - the husband-lovers of Ernalda. In times of conflict they are raised in local units, and commanded by their local noble (and female) leaders, so their loyalty isnt in question. I would suggest that the tendancy is to fight to protect Mom rather than rebel against the bitch: depends on how you get on with Mom I suppose...

Anyway, the Matriarchs are well aware that war is only a political tool, and a rather crude one at that. They are far more likely to use other methods to further their political aims - more so than male-dominated societies. Another reason why the state of the Esrolian Army isn't that big an issue.

Mercenaries are the only other source of troops. I actually dont believe that very many are employed. Having armed men with silly ideas about women roaming the land can be dangerous. I reckon that in the west if barbarians attack then the Esrolians pay other Ditali and Solanthi clans to attack the aggressors lands. Most of the time it works, it's guys like Greymane who are a pain - but even they go home when they've picked up enough loot.

All Hail the Reaching Moon!

David Hall

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