Irrippi Ontor

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 96 23:58 MET DST

An idle thought about the non-goatied sage of Peloria:

IO was a Carmanian, wasn't he? From Pelanda, then.

Neither Carmania nor Dara Happa ever succumbed to the God Learners, right? Nor did the Orlanthi stay long enough to install any of their cults there, it seems. (Humakt being the exception, but the Carmanian Huamkt, God of Darkness and Death, doesn't seem to be Theyalan at all, rather Western (Humct?), and possibly holding many elements of Daxdarius.)

So how comes that IO was a worshipper of LM? Wouldn't he rather have been a worshipper of Idovanus, the Pelandan god of wisdom unveiled in the Entekosiad?

Did the EWF spread LM into Dara Happa? Did his cult meld with the Pelandan god of wisdom despite the Carmanians being arch-enemies of the EWF?

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