elven solar gods, shamanism, Onslaught

From: Durupt Jean <durupt_at_cc.ec-lyon.fr>
Date: Thu Mar 20 10:06:33 1997

 Hi all,

Elven solar gods

Joerg exposed his theory on who is the solar husband protector of Ernalda.

Here is my theory about the elven solar gods.

The elves worship 3 solar deities, let's call them Yelm, Yelmalio and Yelorna.
Yelm is the flower bringer, without him the flowers could not exist and many plants would disappear from Glorantha. He is a potent healing deity too as evidenced by his fight disease and sunripen spells. In the forest Yelm worshipers tend to be healers for the immobile plant life rather than the nobility as in the human lands (besides the ruling cult is Aldrya)

Yelmalio is the defender, who fought alongside High King Elf during the great darkness.
Yelmalio worshiper are those who don't fear to engage the forest's enemies in hand to hand combat. Remember it means trolls and their ilk.

Yelorna is another stout defender of the forest. She fought long and hard, and gained the star bow.
Yelorna is associated with unicorns, who are woodland beasts. Yelorna worshipers might be those who go on raid against the forest ennemies, especially trolls. They might even be mounted on unicorns to form an elven "cavalry".

Since at the dawn, relation were good between Esrolia and the Wenelian forest, that Ernalda and Aldrya are close kin, I think that we can name the dawn age husband protector Yelmalio.

Now I may have been gregged (or joerged)

Elven crafter

I think that Making for the elves is what others call transformation.
For exemple, to extract copper ore from the earth and to transform it into copper is Making (evil mostali sorcery).
But obtaining copper from a plant and then shaping it into form is not Making because copper remains copper.

Shamanism in Sartar

I think the people's attitude to shaman vary from clan to clan. Some clans are very respectful, especially if they are Ancestor worshipers.
Other may have decided that they can live without shamans, until the spirits of the land remind them of their existence.
But shamans are always considered strange persons, potentialy dangerous, and many people fear them as much as they like them.
All this is IMO


According to his stats, he is a tough character. Joe tribesman, Joe militiaman and Joe soldier don't have a chance to even wound him.
Even Joe rune lord is almost certain to die. But, like any rune level, far from a Humakt temple, Onslaught is vulnerable, because his greatest ally (his rune magic) cannot be regained.
Dorastor would be his doom, especially if he is alone.



End of Glorantha Digest V2 #521

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