MOB on Cheese

From: martin <102541.3423_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: 01 May 96 16:29:07 EDT

>However I have seen from the comments I have gained, particularily
>from self-proclaimed "luminaries" that this is WRONG and that I am
>obviously a fool for even thinking that were all supposed to have a
>good time, whatever our poison.

>Martin, I haven't seen *anyone* blowing their own trumpets, proclaiming
>themselves as "luminaries" on this digest. Petulant comments like these
>have reluctant dragged me back into the debate (sigh)...

Petulant? Ha! This is from the incredibly mature man who insults complete strangers on a public forum merely because he disagrees with them. I always consider people who insult and deride others for their view simply because it doesn't match theirs to be blowing their own trumpet and acting superior. Wouldn't you?

>Martin, you posted material to the Digest, presumably for public appraisal,
>scrutiny, criticism, even praise. You got plenty of the former, and
>not much of the latter this time. You have earnestly defended your
>position with a doggedness that even Onslaught would find admirable.
>However, the general consensus is agin you on this one. To use a
>martial metaphor, this cut 'n thrust is what a forum like the Glorantha
>Digest is all about, and (mixing my metaphors here) if you run something up
>the flagpole you've got to expect it might be shot down. Better luck next
>time, eh?

Funny that because I seem to see many comments being for,against and partially feeling both ways about this issue. I have also spotted a fair few people who dislike the insults and derision being so easily thrown about when certain folk feel in a righteous mood.

As for people disagreeing with me. Good! I don't want agreement for the sake of it, I don't want any sycophantic crap and I only defend my postion so doggedly because insults are an _attack_ to me and on me. Naturally I defend myself. Presumably you'd prefer it if I just rolled over and quit in the face of all the hostility? Well dream on.

>You won't find a character like Onslaught in my vision of Glorantha. Not
>only because he's got 160% Bite Attack, but because in totality he's a mere
>cardboard cut-out, about as real and plausible as Fred Might-Thews
>from Different Worlds #37.

Personally I think the Coders are fairly card-board too. Then again you only had a few pages on each and did a good job with what you had. Likewise I could have written a bloody novel on Onslaughts background but I haven't the time or the inclination.

>Amusingly, I have laid down this gauntlet to the "luminaries" (you know who
>you are) on the subject of herodom and if anyone is well equipped* to write
>a Gloranthan hero it is they, with access to Greg and his works that most of
>us haven't got. So instead of bitching when an attempt is made to quantify
>this by someone else, why doesn't _someone_ other than my rather battered
>self post their idea of a big cheese?

>I've already obliged: the Lunar Coders. They're as good as you're
>gonna get from me. Y'know, I doubt very much if Hero types are
>much more powerful, stat-wise. Their growth and power comes in
>ways that can probably only be adequately described by storytelling
>rather than bald stats (which is probably why HeroQuest hasn't
>appeared yet, and ain't likely ever to).

The sad fact is that you are right, there isn't likely to be a heroquest rules set so all the more reason for the digest to explore these ideas. Perhaps over time we could create a consensus but without actually talking about it its never going to happen. Thats all I want, is to see some discussion on the issue.

>You are an astute leader and place him in a place he will do well. You
>place him in command of a fortress that absolutely must not fall.
>He will kill any man who breaks, he never sleeps, never dispairs and never,
>never gives in.

>Jeez, he must be great for morale! In the end, those that haven't
>deserted will be lying around him in heaps, bitten to death for failing
>to live up to his impossibly high standards. However, as Onslaught is
>effectively invulnerable, the rest of the garrison is probably superfluous

Impossible standards? Like tha Alamo, Rourkes Drift, Lucknow, Mafeking, Vicksburg, Masada, Rome under Belisarius, Arnhem, Leonidas etc? All done by mere mortals. All Onslaught would expect is that (a lot I know), he knows hardly anyone can match his own abilities. Onslaught is very vulnerable and a competant besieger could take him down with a well timed effort.

>Onslaught is merely one of many wandering Swords (maybe 200) in Dragon
>Pass and possibly not even the best.

>Y'mean there's some other Guy with a Big Sword out there with *267%* Head

Well of course there is! Several. They do song and dance numbers at the Gredyog Inn on Godsday, didn't you know?

BTW I hear Schwarzenegger is doing a new movie, called "The Humaktinator" where he plays a God Learner Death Construct sent back before the Dawn, frozen in time via a manifested Stasis Rune till the fourth age when he comes out to find and kill Salah Cunnur, a woman fated to bear a great hero who, in the future of the 4th age, will destroy the Living Flesh Machine (Mark II).

I for one am going to see it. Wanna come? We can take our rubber swords and He-man figures and wave them at the screen! Great stuff.

Martin Laurie

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