Re: Treack Markhor

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 96 20:52 MET DST

Jim Chapin:
>What nationality is Treack Markhor?

IMO (everything below, that is) a citizen of the Empire of Land and Sea, aka Jrusteli or God Learner Empire, during the 2nd Age.

>Atyar's skull is described as being
>left in a niche of a temple in the East Isles; Markhor as a traitorous
>priest of LHankor Mhy who then takes it to Kralorela. Isn't this a bit
>far afield for a LM priest?

Not under the GL dominance, when the LMs were the field personnel to gather information.

>And his name does not sound Kralorelan; how
>is he wandering from the East Isles into Kralorela?

In pursuit of some GL fancy on a Jrusteli owned ship, I suppose.

>And, for that matter,
>how does a broo hero Greegrog get into Kralorela -- I didn't know broos
>lived there?

I suppose it was rather the cult of Atyar coming to Than Ulbar, below the Plateau of Statues in the Wastes, where the Greegrog part (which I couldn't find offhand in the RQ3 information) of the cult may have occurred.

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