Kill the Onslaught!

From: Tony V Likhite <>
Date: Thu, 02 May 96 17:10:32 -0500

Lest this thorough bashing of ultra-powerful NPCs continue forever, I offer the following to appease those who desperately need to see Martin driven to drink:

  1. RESOLVED: That henceforth, anyone having the temerity to post NPC stats that the more articulate posters think are too powerful should be publicly excoriated and then devoured by Tax Demons. This is, after all, a "digest".
  2. RESOLVED: That henceforth, all right-thinking posters shall be obligated to include at least one sly, snotty dig at Martin in every post. This practice shall be used to confirm orthodoxy of Gloranthan worldview.
  3. RESOLVED: That henceforth, anyone accused of "Powergaming" by at least three other posters should be subject to ad hominem attacks on their intelligence, virility/desirability, good intentions, and personal hygiene. This in addition to any literary criticism that might be offered.
  4. RESOLVED: That Martin Laurie is wrong, just plain *wrong*, and is much too stupid/underendowed/mean-spirited/stinky to admit it. That any constructive comments he makes should be utterly ignored. Oh, and that his spelling sucks. So there. Nyaa.

There y'all go. Have a beer, Martin.

(Who enjoyed the Onslaught stories, would tone Onslaught way down before admitting him into his campaign, and is amused by folks who can't tolerate the idea of someone disagreeing with them. You know who you are ;)

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